Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Kerri: We're still here!

We've been quiet over here on this blog! Ronda and I are still showing up at the gym faithfully, three mornings a week, certain that we're going to wake up looking like supermodels one day. Though I haven't seen hugely shocking results, I can absolutely tell that we are getting stronger. We have leg and arm muscles now... real ones. And the rope torture that I mentioned a while back? We used to barely be able to make it through 30 seconds, and now we do a minute without flinching. (Much.)

My two new favorite little treats? First: Outside time. Oh yes, it sounds like a party, doesn't it? By the time we get done with our deep lunges all the way down the road behind the gym, we are feeling it, let me tell you. Burn, baby, burn. Second: Leg noose torture. Oh man, my abs are swearing at me tonight. Picture yourself in push-up position (but down on your forearms rather than your hands). Then you put your feet in these rope "nooses" that are hanging from a bar, so your feet are suspended about a foot off the ground. Then you pull your knees into your chest while you're holding the rest of your body up with your forearms. Repeat, repeat, repeat for one minute. Longest. Minute. EVER. Wow. Love to feel the abs burn, though - that's the place I want to tighten up the most.

Final thought for tonight... the power of inspiration. Number one, of course, is Ronda, who shows up with a smile three days a week, listens to my good-natured (usually) whining, and makes me want to keep going. Angela, our super-trainer, is awesome - she's so encouraging, yet she's tough - she doesn't let us be babies. She's a perfect match for us. And what an example for us - she just ran a marathon! Can you imagine?! Finally, I completely appreciate the encouragement from our friends and coworkers. People who saw our story in Enjoy ask how the challenge is going; coworkers encourage me and swear they see results. One of my dear friends from high school just kicked butt on a fitness challenge at her job, and she's been so sweet about sharing diet tips and inspiration - reminding me that this is a lifestyle change, and that super-healthy eating makes a huge difference. She has pulled me back on track more than once. I often think of her when I'm choosing an afternoon snack!

So thanks to everyone who continues to support us on this journey. It's all good!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Ronda: TGIF!

Like Kerri, I was so sore after working with the new toys. Muscles that haven’t hurt since we started were screaming at me. I had a long weekend get-away planned after one of our torture work-out sessions and for 2 days I couldn’t walk. I shuffled. My calf muscles felt like they were going to rip off my legs.  Holding in the tears as I got on and off the plane was difficult. The good news is that I got over it in a few days. The bad news is that we’re doing new stuff and that only means that new muscles are going to be waking up.

Angela had us use the kettle bells quite a bit today. I don’t remember what one of the exercises is called (do you, Kerri?) but we sort of toss a kettle bell from hand to hand under our legs. The first 15 seconds is fine, but we do it for a minute. That doesn’t sound like such a long time, but it’s an eternity for me. 

The misery bands are also tough. They are like great big, thick rubber bands that we put on our ankles – then walk sideways. It’s not a far walk, but it feels like we’re walking for miles with those on. It's one of those exercises that I actually know is working as I’m doing it. I can almost feel the fat melting off my hips. I chant to myself constantly... "no pain, no gain."

All is well and going fine – growing stronger every day!   

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Kerri: New toys

We learned something this week. When Angela gets new toys, we are in big trouble.

Over the weekend, the fine folks at Adamson's had a special guest speaker who came in and got them all fired up about all these cool new training techniques, and they got a bunch of cool new workout toys.

Holy cats.

Before Wednesday's class, I was getting a little bit discouraged, because I felt like we were hitting a plateau. Although it feels like we've been working really hard during our sessions, we had been recovering much more quickly from workouts - which feels like a very good thing - but naturally, we all want to see huge and overwhelming results, RIGHT NOW. Apparently I spoke about 45 minutes too soon, because today I am more sore than I have been since our first week. Apparently shaking up that workout routine does a number on an unsuspecting exerciser!

New tools include Ropes of Death (I think she has a different name for them), which are these long ropes (maybe 8 or 10 feet or so?) that are attached to a heavy weight, and our job is to shake them around for one minute. Easy peasy, right? Um, no. Those suckers are heavy!! My arms felt like spaghetti afterwards. Then we did these crazy kettle-bell swings that my back and hamstrings are remembering very well today. They also have a new thing called a "slosh pipe," which is a tube (maybe three inches in diameter) that is halfway filled with water, and we do lunges while holding it, or we do pushups with it. The water makes it really awkward, and that adds a new dimension to maintaining our balance. I do like that one. :-)

Feeling the burn today, without a doubt. And that's a good thing, right? (Right??) I'm now a firm believer that changing up the routine makes a big difference.

In other news... I saw James the other day for the first time in a month or so, and wow - he is seeing some fantastic results! Is it easier for men, or is he just working harder than the rest of us? Seems like my husband can take off weight just by thinking about it for a week... not even CLOSE for me. What say ye, trainers? Is it tougher for women to get those pounds off?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

yvonne: Be the change

Well we are at week 7 with the Dear Joe Fitness project and I am beginning to see
signs of change in myself and my colleagues. Little things like walking taller, faces thinning and
more deliberate affect in conversation. In other words a greater sense of confidence. 
James started out being very sore and now he is asking that more weight be added to
his workout. He is also starting to brag about weight loss : ) I have felt like I am walking a little taller and feeling stronger. I think the strength is what makes everything else start kicking in. When you feel physically stronger the mental part follows. I also find that I am starting to eat
for strength instead of ooooh I want that. 

The beauty of having a trainer at Adamson's is if you are feeling low on energy one day or have a question about nutrition they have the answer. Within myself if I don't ask I will fall back into my old ways and not make the change I need for my lifetime. The more you know the more powerful you feel. That's the change I want to be.

I also had a photo shoot last night for Dancing with the Stars Shasta County Style. Competition is good. I have a goal and I am going for it… but Amy said I need to pick up on my cardio everyday to get there. See what I mean information is key!

Kerri: Progress and motivation

I was out of town and missed Monday's workout, and I can't believe that I actually missed going to the gym... how crazy is that?!

Friday's workout was pretty inspiring for me - I lost 3.5 percent body fat in our first six weeks of exercise, and I also lost up to an inch in several areas. Using my crack math skills (multiplying my weight by my body fat percentage, before and at the six-week mark), I figured out that I actually lost six pounds of fat, which means that I gained four pounds of muscle for a total loss of two pounds. (I'll admit I was pretty annoyed that I wasn't down by more than two pounds after all that work, but these new numbers made me feel a lot better.)

That being said... I was bummed for my workout partner, who has been working her tushie off and didn't see a big payoff on Friday, as you read below. Angela did tell me that it's unusual to see significant results in the first six weeks since your body spends that time acclimating to the torture. ;-) (She didn't use that exact terminology.) I can actually see a difference in Ronda, so something is happening, there's no doubt about it.

I have been watching my diet pretty carefully, making sure to take a couple minutes in the morning to toss some yogurt and fresh fruit into my bag for work, along with a can of light soup (I know, sodium is bad) or a sandwich, and a granola bar or some crackers to get me through the afternoon munchie period. Blessedly, my coworkers don't bring a bunch of junk food into the office anymore, since I have no willpower when it comes to resisting sugary snacks.

The next couple of weeks will be my biggest challenge thus far... I've got huge life stressors coming at me from all directions, and I am determined not to let that derail my efforts. Failing to take care of myself by exercising and eating right will not improve my mental health, of that I am certain. I must resist the urge to seek solace in ice cream! :-)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ronda: Week 7

I have to admit, I was a little (OK... a lot) disappointed with the outcome of my weigh-in on Friday. I didn't lose any weight, actually gained a pound! I lost an inch in my chest area (isn't that always the way it goes?) and lost an inch on my thighs. I didn't lose any inches any place else. I gained 1/4 inch on my arms which is fine, because I see muscles there that weren't there when I started! 

It's time to step it up now! More cardio for me on the days I'm not at the gym. I'm also starting a food journal so I can keep track of everything I put in my mouth. The next weigh-in is going to blow everyone away! I'm just going to be optimistic!

Kerri wasn't able to make it to our workout on Monday and I really missed her. I sort of feed off of her energy. As much as I dislike working out while I'm there doing it, I do feel good when it's over. Angela is a tough trainer, but I wouldn't want it any other way.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Ronda: Hey Kerri!

Are you still alive after that workout this morning? Geez! All that cardio! One thing I have noticed, though. There is no way I could have done all that cardio 3 weeks ago. How about you?